
I do its pretty kick ass

Bad mouthing? The game is still in beta and its great. I dont see this as bath mouthing

Will see in the next 3 years or how ever long they want the consoles to go on for.

You shouldn't have given them your money now you gave away all your power.

Thats what I don't like hearing. Not that I don't want more people using PCs but I don't want this to be oversimplified to the point where we have no control over the system like consoles.

Windows 7 already does this for you automatically. If you just put a little effort into knowing how to use a computer it will be a lot easier to use.

"whereas with a console, you know any game that's been released/will be released for it will work. " I think as the consoles get older and older this will be not as true anymore. Look at Skyrim

My PC has been associated to my living for over 5 years now.

No one cares about PC gaming man. Its all about the easy to use consoles.

It should play well you dont really need a mouse or keyboard or anything like that. Its a very good game such a great story.

The thing you can count on is other PC gamers they can come up with Fixes and mods for the game to make it much better. My main complaint about the PC version of dark souls was the controls, I fixed it by plunging in a controller.

If you have a PC that can run it yes pretty much all games will run better on the PC unless its a fighting or racing game, but then again you can always just plug in a controller. /PC master race!

Well hello there fellow MASTER GAMER RACE. Playing PC games on the couch the best!

All but Fallout 3 were perfect games didn't run into any bugs or crashes. I played all of the games on PC.

This whole Skyrim PS3 thing solidifies my stance on console gaming. You are helpless on the ps3 you can do anything personally to fix the game. Yet on the PC you have control and so does everybody else, countless times I have seen gamers fix the games they love and even add to it. That is why I PC gaming, why other

Thats why you gotta play games on the PC where you have control over your games and your not alone. Other PC gamers making mods or patches to fix problems within the game, It really is a great community.

But then how could they screw over there other platform you know PC gaming as in Windows!

Yea but how can we as gamers trust this guy again after we spent our good money on his game. He needs to make it up to us first not start asking us for money. If the game gets funded and after it gets reviewed I'll try it out see if I can give this guy my trust and money again.

I agree I wont be kickstarting this he can fund is own game with all the money he made ruining Fable.