Game inst even done yet dude. hop off the minecraft hater wagon and go home.
Game inst even done yet dude. hop off the minecraft hater wagon and go home.
What?!?!?! Bioware hasn't made a Dragon Age II yet Dragon Age Orgins is so dam good it takes time to make something as good as that masterpiece. After all its a spiritual successor to Baldurs Gate!
These types if DLC never really interested me Id rather have more story missions.
Use Dragon Age Orgins as a base then add new story bing bang boo game of the year. Don't go the open world stuff give us more of what we love from Bioware, great story interesting characters and a non speaking main hero.
Yea I agree I think it might be a pick to soon to start bashing a game when its not even out yet.
Yea It sucks but hey good news for the PS3 guys at least they will be releasing it for you. Im so sorry for you guys are stuck with that crap on the PS3.
I agree with you. Its a shame really seeing as the PC was the best place to play this game compared to ps3 and Xbox. But hey there's all these mods to play around with so Its not to bad. I just wish Bethesda would say no to Microsoft and release all the DLC at the same time on all machines.
Why is everyone comparing this game to COD did I miss something?
Why is everyone comparing this game to COD did I miss something?
The money people give only gets taken out after it has reached its goal.
Oh man I hope not Kenny was the only other person besides Clem I could count on.
Im mine he only had one bullet. Does that mean kenny might of gotten away perhaps?
No no company of heroes 2 I need a new RTS to play I dont want to play those crappy online RTS ether!
Its way to early for a sequel this game still has alot of life yet. I want some nice DLC more story missions more tech and aliens to capture and research.
Yes company of heroes is really good. If your looking for a single player RTS then this is the game for you.
Even if THQ gets a dollar that's one more dollar they didn't have and they sure as hell need the money now.
These are the type of things that make me just love my gaming PC.
Thats what really pissed me off about the game. Dragon age origins was able to have 20+ baddies on the screen and not crap out.
Its just another article trying to bash kickstarter.