ummm no.. Its still at 451%
ummm no.. Its still at 451%
I care about wow still.
Im just sick and tired of Ubisoft constantly calling me and my fellow PC gamers Pirates. Valve doesn't call us pirates and that's why I telling them thank you with my hard earned money. Ubisoft needs to learn to be more like Valve and I don't mean make your own steam service.
Ubisoft is on my don't play list I don't buy your games I don't pirate your games. I don't want you in my gaming life please go away. Steam has showed the world how to do DRM do it there way or else you don't exist to me.
I agree I dont want to have to log on to service just to get on one game. thats the reason I still havent played Mass Effect 3. I dont want more services and im telling game company's that with my money or lack there of.
Oh wow I didnt even know CS was on the consoles that's weird.
You dont have to play it. Once more people get over zombie games they will go away. I enjoy all these zombie games and haven't gotten sick of them yet.
It sounds like you want the walking dead game on PC by telltale. It has alot of what your asking and its really good.
From the guys of tropico looks pretty good. I will look out for this game I just hope they don't make the PC version have some weird control system just so it fits consoles better.
And thats why I dont buy or play any games made by ubisoft. Im saying no to there DRM with my money.
Who cares! Add in all the other gods make it even then.
I don't like the kotor mmo but why does this guy have a star?
Master race doesn't need to bride publishers to release the game early on their system
Dont tell me xbox has a time exclusive on this game to. WTF Cant play anything.
When will adventure time be on adult swim? I want that to happen so bad.
I want to be a zombie!
The best thing to do is not that. Instead send ubisoft a email explaining why you are not purchasing their game.
So true.
Thats a shame this is the only AC Im interested in. since I'll be waiting a month whats another couple of months till it gets the Steam weekend sale treatment.
I dont normally buy movie games because most of them suck bawls. But I might get this one just for the stan-lee spiderman skin thingy.