
whats that EA ruining another game why I never....

Pff seen funnier shows on youtube go check out this guy.

Have you seen walking dead? It is no where near the graphics of skyrim and crysis lol

Its not a very demanding game its on the consoles.

Why valve didnt make this game.

right because consoles don't get hacked. Go back to your bridge.

That orc looked so dam cartoony.

Second, Been asking for KOTOR 3 for years.

Graphic's < Gameplay

I second this motion.

Dam was really hoping for Portugal to be one of the new CIV.

what do you mean valve console? Evey PC with steam installed is a valve console!

I miss those games. such a shame they didnt make any more of those games.

The game already feels and looks like its been made with consoles in mind so why not.

they should have given it to the PC crowd there better at beta testing.

I had no idea.

I just don't understand why Microsoft would screw over its other console the PC. With all their talk about coming back to PC gaming they keep doing these type of timed exclusives.

Oh no

My PC is basically a download only device I cant remember the last time I used a disc. But I don't think console gamers are ready yet for a digital only console. Look at the flak the PSP go got.

Troll! kill it with FIRE!