
Mines exclusive to my toilet! That was my bad I meant Hate

there have been other articles with the same tone of disapproval from kotaku.

In other words, Kickstarter ain't a revolution in the gaming industry just yet." wow another article bashing kickstarter why is kotaku so against kickstarter?

Update: Bethesda has confirmed that Dawnguard is a timed exclusive for the Xbox 360.

Some people just really believe in the project that or they make a shit ton of money.

So no one lost there money good. Excuse me while I fund the next season of Nuka Break.

Nah To many games have multiplayer tak on Skyrim doesn't need mulitplayer.

Id love it if they went with more of a dwemer focus. There is so much for them to flesh out with them.

This may be one of the only times I can say this but you should have bought it on PC, I didnt run into any bugs plus faster loading times.

I fell asleep playing Runescape but that was because I spent 2 days playing it nonstop.

oh man we lost another good Single player game to the F2P model. I hope it turns out ok.


How about you let me play my game at home when I want how I want. without all this internet dlc drm crap. Company's these days make me sick.

Haven't tried that one. Sound interesting

lol nice slip. But I agree

Your right I thought they were doing good keeping the ARPG with Mass Effect and the CRPG with Dragon age. But now there #$#ing up DA to make it more like Mass Effect. Its a dam shame.

That's what they did in Mass Effect where you just control your main char. That's what I liked about DAO it seems there trying to turn the game into Mass Effect instead Shepherd we have Hawke.

I absolutely loved DAO I really liked how I could be this char in this world. The story also entranced me as well though kinda over done it was still good. In DA2 I just didn't get entranced with the story or the char I was forced to be. I remember playing the game waiting for the story to start but it never came. I

I love Zombies!! and of course Settlers of Catan.

Yea that's what I heard.