Like I said Im not going to get into it but there were many things they could have done to not make the same mistakes as Steam.
Like I said Im not going to get into it but there were many things they could have done to not make the same mistakes as Steam.
Ive had many heated talks on this subject already and don't want one again. Ill just say that even though steam was worse when it first came out Orgin shouldn't have to be. They should have learned from Steams mistakes and went from there. I also make it a habit to not purchase games that are made by EA and no that…
You sure I heard you need to have orgin installed kinda like a steamworks game.
Wow that looks like it would be fun. I will keep my eye on this mod. That's why I love buying PC version of Multi-platform series games. Extra value for me.
The game is looking good. I like challenge to many games are made for casuals. If only it wasn't on origin. Here's hoping they remove that requirement down the line.
After getting a better look at the screen It says Games for windows.
I feel very sorry for you then. GFWL is a big pile of steamy crap.
Oh man that's a shame another game I wont play.
yea that's what I mean its obvious the game industry wants everyone online for there benefit of course.
I guess Ive gotten use to it (keyboard controls) I work mainly through my PC so its a daily thing. Also about grenade kills I swear I think those things a rigged.
Its the way the gaming industry is learning. Its cheaper to go digital and now in days to play most games you need internet connection. Hell even in our single player games do we need a stable internet connection.
But you do understand that while banned he cant bother anyone... because hes just playing by himself. If these aren't permanent bans then they should just use the 3 strikes rule. You get caught hacking/cheating three times you lose the ability to play online with that account and any game you purchase with that…
Yea lately RPG have been infested with a thing call quest tracker. Its useful sometimes when your stuck on a quest but if you use it to much it can feel like a to do list. I miss the days of you just getting a note to go and meet a wizard down at the docks, thats it you have to ask people and find out the wizards name…
When did "Rent" become a bad word. You dont get to take your games with you when you die. there isnt a monthly fee for steam. Steam keeps my games safe and at reach if I ever want to play them again. Sure I can keep track of my own games but Id rather have someone else do it for me and Steam does it.
At the end of the day all games will be sold digitally and so far Steam is doing the best out of everyone. Gog is nice but I enjoy the social aspect of Steam as well as the deals. I wish Orgin would just copy everything Steam has done and start from there upgrading and making it a better service.
You make no sense how can a hacker/cheater harm other gamers in a single player game? Let them cheat all they want by themselves while the rest of us are having fun playing online with other law abiding players.
The way to stop this is to stop the gamers from buying things from them. Spread this new educate people on this.
Im fine with forcing hackers and cheaters to single player games only. They cant bother anyone. Hell Ive cheater in a single player game.
Im no where near that guy in FPS but I cannot play a FPS on a console the controls are just so garbage.
It takes console gamers a while to figure out that its the same game with little fixes and maps that could all be packaged into a expansion. Remember those yea I think the first Call of Duty had one. good times