someone told me right now there is no way to make them.
someone told me right now there is no way to make them.
the update is live and its a brand new block no re skins.
not to be a douche but you should get a better computer. One that lets you upgrade it from time to time to make it keep up with the advancement of games. which is very slow thanks to consoles.
Well I think the music was just noise.
Same I just muted the video. I didnt know they added new stone blocks looks really cool.
If you talking about Bioshock II you can live without it out. No where near as good as the first one.
Sweet they should let me buy it already! show them how bad i want this game.
That looks great. More and more Im finding more and more Indie games to be alot cooler then triple A titles.
since I cant reply to your post to me Ill reply to this one. I just hate EAs way of business and I don't support them in any way. I don't buy games from them, Its my way of talking with my wallet. Before anyone calls me a pirate NOPE I don't pirate games in fact I hate pirates with a passion.
After what they did to DA2 Id sign it in a heart beat.
oh god no please no.
Dam I hope not If its exclusively on Orgins Its a no buy for me.
I loved DA:O and pre orders the DA2 my god what a let down. My favorite game in the world is Baldur’s Gate if they fail me I will lose all hope in Bioware and they will become Ubisoft to me. I dont buy games from Ubisoft.
LOL you basting a turkey over there?
Because people keep buying it.
Great show!
Oh man was hoping they were releasing warcraft 4 rts.
I played the beta back when. Its nice but Im already playing a mmo WoW mainly then GW2 when it comes out. I wish they had made a single player kotor game instead.
I loved the books in Skyrim and Oblivion. I think I read them all.