
dont worry you will get the beta when the game is releases. YUK YUK YUK Im joking Valve games are always well built.

Yes yes and more yes. Thats what all I really use minecraft for anyway. Building things.

Now imagine the numbers if it was released on day one.

simple solution don't buy anything from Sony anymore.

dont worry It might fall on its face like X-com. Now they pushed back the FPS X-com and are making a REAL X-com game.


Yes Exactly! Its a sad day when really there's only a hand full of REAL RPGs are out. Cant wait for Risen 2 should be out in april!

same I'm a horrible person lol

I would play the game looks like fun even though I heard match making is kinda not working. I just can support a game that uses windows live. Maybe if enough of my friends get the game I might deal with WL.

Id pre purchase this shit now! Even if he doesn't even have a alpha version Ill give you my money lets go. Im tired of all these RPG losing the stuff that made it a real RPG. Better dialog unique charters and a real story.


Same I played the game during a free weekend Wow were the servers so laggy. I guess that could have been the amount of people playing at the time but the game was also badly balanced.

why? Im pretty sure I will that or make more Vavle games.

And with that Valve makes a shit ton of money. Other company's will be implementing this idea into there multpilayer games soon.

Thats who I learned Nom Nom from!

I wonder how the patches are going to happen. Wasn't there a article about how much it cost to patch a game on consoles? Something tells me the game will be better on a more open platform IE PC.

I would really love it if they added Portugal as a new country. Plus all the religious wonders they have. /non religious gamer.

Name your price I will pay it! Cant wait for more content.

It definitely a console game. The one thing I hate the most about the game is I can change the FOV or access the console. At most I can only play the game in 30 min increments.

I do I loved never winter nights and bought all the expansions. Its a shame there isnt going to be a new NWN. I think there going for a multplayer simple RPG.