so I guess its now cool to just start hating on pandas. I like pandas dammit they eat bamboo and dance and stuff.
so I guess its now cool to just start hating on pandas. I like pandas dammit they eat bamboo and dance and stuff.
You forgot to add no way to change the FOV on the PC version. Cant play the game for more then 30 min without getting sick.
Im pretty sure one the reasons consoles were created was to take away the power gamers have to mess with the game code. They dont want you to touch a dam thing like apple products! /tinfoilhat-attack
maybe on the PS3 but I dont think it will ever get on the xbox
"I just wanted them to add multiplayer Blitzball. =("
As long as the Blitzball game isn't like it was in X-2 Im all for it.
well if I remember correcting one of the reason square said they weren't remaking 7 was because the tech was to old or something like that.
I originally thought they were.
I said what I said because one of Razers selling points for this laptop was that it was going to save PC gaming. No way will a Laptop save PC gaming. Last time I check PC gaming is doing quite well.
Thats a Shame. I really believe there's a lot of money to be made on remaking the old FF especially 10 and 7.
LOL gaming on a laptop. I can build you a better computer for half the price.
to kill minecraft you would have to kill everything else.
I use to love those games. Good times
And thats why games are better then girls.
And that's why I don't buy games from Ubisoft. They will never get any of my money ever!
His skyrim videos are hilarious!
..... no words.
No its not Thats what I love about RPG long ass story's multiple play through.
Never understood why people have wireless internet for there main computers and consoles. Just grab a cable bam good speeds and never lose connection.