wait mobile game what happen to there PC game. I signed up for there alpha it was fun why are they turning it into a phone game?
wait mobile game what happen to there PC game. I signed up for there alpha it was fun why are they turning it into a phone game?
I own it all but god dam does that trailer make me want to buy it again.
Second picture looks like a spray. look at the wall to the right.
how many more years do we have to wait for consoles to catch up?
Had my PC upgraded for Skyrim... these specs are laughable!
I really didn't. Wish I could have gotten my money back.
No point dude if you liked Dragon age Orgins you wont like Dragon Age II.
Oooo I want one with the a wizard hat now.
Its a tough game but really good.
They should just cancel the Xcom FPS and focus on the RTS make it great. They weren't gonna get any of that COD money anyway.
LOL I saw that. I love there mice but please razer stop trying to save PC gaming its fine.
Im sure its been said already but. No buy from me they lose my money and no I wont pirate it. The story of my Sheppard ended at mass effect 2.
I hate orgin just as much as you if not more But please dont pirate it. Dont buy it dont play it leave it alone.
If it makes you feel better I dont buy games that use Gamespy or GFWL. I dont like using crap that doesn't work. EA lost my money... Its to bad I spend a to much for games as it is.
Well in a RPG (role play game) Story is very important I rank it above everything. Ive play ME2 and its not bad combat was fun bit i did see a drop in actual RPg elements. WIth ME3 coming I just hope they don't lose more of the RPG elements in favor of a more call of duty aspect of combat.
They also added bow enchants, Re-growing wool, Apples now drop from trees and pirate speech.
You can now enchant bows
the reason TF2 is flawed on the console has nothing to do with Valve. Look to your pals at micrsoft who want to charge you for every little dlc thats free.
LOL diablo only really uses the mouse for skill one and two the rest is wasd.
I dont know why people cant seem to remember that? With a PC you can pretty much do whatever you want. You want to play on a couch plug your PC to the T.V. You want to play with a controller plug a controller into it.