
Wanna stop gamestop... STOP BUYING GAMES FROM THEM! Tell you friends and family to not buy games from them.

Looks good I love building castles in minecraft this one looks interesting.

wow thats a shame. As a fan of there past two games I guess I wont be playing the new one.

Any news if M3 will be orgin only? or really everything else but steam?

So does that mean the SK version will not need a constant internet connection? If so could I purchase that version?

WooHoo steam I'm one of the 5 million!

Yea you wont find many in Skyrim its just not that type of game. You want people to remember play a bioware game they focus more on char and less open world games.

What the F%## is this crap? Just make me a real Dragon Age game and none of that Dragon Age II crap. Thanks

Smack the kid. I got my ass beat for cursing and guess what I don't curse. Parents Beat your children its fine.

eh shes not that hardcore to me she plays the xbox...

woah kid its not that great now....

Thats the power of the MODS!

Everything is a time waster if you think about it.

Oh no wonder they aren't releasing it on the PC.

see ya...

Awesome pic I also love tinker and now i have a bad ass wallpaper. Thanks!

nah the other game looks more interesting.

Dont know why but that chick reminds me of Ellen Page.