This has been the best Bethesda game release ever. I wouldn't even all that a bug thats just hilarious.
This has been the best Bethesda game release ever. I wouldn't even all that a bug thats just hilarious.
OMG whats wrong with his face!!!
LOL first thing i heard was music made in garage band. Classic
Oh to bad its not available for my phone.
What was that noise??
wow whats that stuff on the bottom of the video.
Back in my day a took a arrow to the knee now i don't fly anymore.
A agree with Mr. Baldwin Air travel has become pretty bad. I use to love flying it was amazing to me as a boy. Now I cant stand it pack in like cattle thrown a packet of peanuts and shown horrible movies. My grandfather told me when he use to fly and it is nothing like that now.
Agree with you completed. Today im seeing a rise in unnecessary multiplayer in my single player games. Also Matt smith is rubbish as the Doctor.
If they want to sell shit tons of these yea they better mention Yogscast.
What they should do is make a better dragon age two smiler to the play style of the first one.
how do PC gamers deserve crappy ports? Consoles are ruining gaming in general.
Its a easy fix just get the PC version the most stable one out there. Cant beileve i just said that about a beth game.
I agree with him why is this even on here? At first i thought it was about Jackass
"was" what happen?
And that folks is why the PC version of Skrim is Superior to all others.
This game looks very interesting. Id buy it totally worth at least 10 bucks
Will never happen you want mods you have to upgrade to the big boy gamer and get a PC.
Im still amazed of how smooth skyrim is on the PC. No major problems.
So what your saying is Consoles are holding PC back once again.