Greatest comedic actor ever!
Greatest comedic actor ever!
See i did something like this but instead i would pickpocket the gold from the person. To me this seems like something beth may have overlooked.
Good job nothing makes me happier then pirates going legit. You are awesome!
You are a idiot and i hope you get caught. People like you are why PC gaming is the way it is.
Your a dick. You and people like you is why the PC market is like it is. I really hope you get caught.
Here Here!
All he had to say was Ubisoft couldn't give two f@$cks about the game after that. while your at it just keep all the Ubisoft games off the PC Thanks
I know ive logged about 70 hours and i haven't even learned to shout yet.
"But if the meat is rancid, no amount of condiments could make u eat it whole "
Dam wish there was a HEB by me.
Ive also played the beta weekend and found the game to be pretty enjoyable but I wasn't wowed, Id rather have kotor III.
I hoard mainly silver. Anything silver pots, pans, plates, forks, cups, swords, Armor. and also Dwemer metal
"A word of warning, though: like many other tweaks of this nature, there's the possibility that activating it will kill your ability to earn achievements. So be careful!"
wow just wow. first it was 15 bucks for some old maps now this. Cod fans are ruining the gaming industry.
Its fun until you run out of cool items to get. Minecraft is still the better building game.
Yea what Marthian said just plug in your PC to your TV and get a controller. Really the no good comfy setup excuse is no longer vaild.
Ive been buying all my games from steam and GOG. Bought Skyrim, Sins of a solar empire, Dungeon defenders and Zombie Fort just this week!
Its just you.
The wiki to watch is [] there coverage of morrowind and oblivion was staggering watch them for the coming days it fills up quick!