yea im pretty surprised as well. Even the load times are super quick haven't had one longer then 2 sec
yea im pretty surprised as well. Even the load times are super quick haven't had one longer then 2 sec
Running this on PC and so far no problems the game runs great looks great and its fun. Loading screens what screens! The game loaded so fast i couldn't even read the little tip. I would say the reviewer was probably playing on a console which we all know is 7 years old and out of date.
sigh this is why we dont have good games anymore. All the game companys want is this game. Guess what i dont.
Nope thats Dodger she way hotter.
Exactly Its like they didn't think anyone would sign up for this or something.
These things just amaze me. How did the company not see this coming... They know their gonna sell millions of copies get your servers ready before hand dam! /Not a COD player
The article doesn't even cover online servers! Thats when the real game starts. Building citys across the ever expanding globe with your friends!
I use to play on peaceful but it got really boring. Theres no risk anymore no risk no fun.
The console gamers cant take a joke.
If there DLC are anything like the DLC from fallout new vegas then im looking forward to them.
Oh thats why it died its a laptop! /Laptophating
ahhh man i want that. Been waiting for the 3ds lite or a cool looking 3ds. Looks like im still waiting.
I see that it was reviled to have Origin involved. There goes the chance of the game being sold on Steam. They lost a sale.
Pff if i did that my mom would have smacked me. Parents don't smack there kids enough.
Oh man looks like its in cali. was looking forward to it being in DC. Good news i saw a airplane! Will them let me fly airplanes again!!!!!
thats easy just play skrim all other games mean nothing now.
Ive had the Fallout ultimate edition for a while now. It cost me a bit more but it was worth it.
That's all the prizes a bunch of xbox stuff? Wont even bother entering.
That's how oblivion started! Hold it right there criminal scum!
Did we watch the same video? The walls man look at the walls!