
The game looks like Butt. I Hope it looks better on the PC geeze. Cant wait though

I knew i made the right choice in buying this over Orcs Must Die.

why not turn them into Rattata?

get it on the PC! though if you hate Orgin that might be a problem. Im hoping its not going to be a Orgin exclusive. /flew off topic a bit

Thats pretty messed up.

Yea some mods make minecraft in to a whole different game to some people.

wow what overkill. lol and it still doesn't stop the pirates its only there to make me not buy their game.

Rock and role McDonalds !

I hope you can see this because im doing it as hard as I can.

I built a whole new monster computer for skyrim. My PC is ready.........

Its for minecraft!

Im very afraid of this.

One less game that I will be purchasing and you can bet that i will be telling my friends not to purchase this game as well.

I saw all this coming that's why i didn't bother buying Rage. Who else is waiting for skyrim hmmmmmm???

what are you talking about PC gaming has been dead since 1998. Were just zombies now

chill man don't go all nazi on me!

lol discs!.... sorry

woah dude....... how is this guy not banned?

wow beth that's pretty messed up. They need to come up with some sort of agreement here before they start losing more of their gamer cred.

Thats right they don't have to fix any of the bugs. but guess what then they don't get my money.. see how that works. +1 for going with the insults your mother taught you well.