
It was a Pre order DLC It was suppose to be ready and fit for playing day one. The release the game and it had bugs. Don't praise them or else they will never learn there lesson. Game company's these days aren't putting in the effort anymore.

The game is fun. But this is Fu#$ ridicules its suppose to be a day one DLC not even it was a pre order DLC. Why wasn't it finished?? who the hell is running the place over there. This is a joke

Hurting a child is never right. But the child shouldn't be playing Call of duty in the first place.

Coming beth your doing good this year dont ruin your cred with this crap.

Mine will be disc less Steam baby Steam!

Its screams minecraft in space!! which isnt a bad thing. I love building gumi ships in kingdom hearts. There going the way notch did with minecraft which worked out. I am going to get this game and hope others do to.

I with you buddy looking forward to torchlight 2!

Id get this if it the main game was any good. Waste of 60 bucks.


I think there angry because it was a day one DLC and you cant get it day one. For me doesnt matter im more angry about the Always on mic and there co-op not working.

Agreed they need to add a way for us to turn it off or bind it to a key.

The PC version of this game which is a console port is having problems with the online co-op. Single player work fine. Its a very fun game im having a blast, I just wish the co-op worked so i can play with my buddy's. Should have waited before i bought the 4 pack.

This is lame.

If i really need a physical copy of a game i would get it on amazon. But really I love digital download for my games mostly Steam in general.

Im a big steam support. And even I dont mind that its not on steam Notch does a good job supporting his game by himself. Would i like it to be on steam sure why not does it have to no.

since its one game and not be sold anywhere else no.

you can share your game but you would have to share ALL your games and your password. hey can i borrow your steam account lol just joking

you have to use GFWL which is a sack of used crap

EWWWWWWWWWWW right there is a deal breaker. I never buy games that use windows live not anymore NEVER AGAIN!!!

Very well done didnt think i could fit a body in there. Must try