
There is no better gaming company. They need to learn from steam and mimic them as much as possible.

Nice guess whos buying borderlands 2 now. Thats right me! hated using gamespy or whatever it was called.

Have you played on a multilayer server. Make one with a couple of your friends its the only way i play minecraft now.

Dont feed the troll thank you

would be sweet if he added airships, Drill machines, and Cars. Which you can get through some mods but i would really like it to be official.

Torchlight Is sounding better and better.

What a shi#$y A$$ trailer. What the hell is the game about?

I love harvest moon, but ive learned Nintendo handheld strategy and im waiting for the 3DS lite. Plus im not in any hurry to get a 3DS im plenty busy with deus ex and all the other upcoming PC games

Hell i don't know why people still buy games from physical stores anymore.

I hope the dark brotherhood is in this game those quests were by far the best. Vampires are a hit and miss with me.

Yay lonesome road! Not to happy about the weapon packs they should call those "DLC" something else like i dont know weapon pack. When i think DLC i think expansion new quests maps characters... not some weapons and armor.

Wow such bullsh#5t That is why i dont buy my games from them. Steam, Amazon, Gamersgate, GOG only place i buy my games.

God i hope not i haven't seen anything with multilayer. I think it would just ruin the game.

Works great for me been playing it since 8 in the morning.

They should have just made Black and white 3.

sounds like it was made to for the PC crowd to bad all of them are on Steam where the game isn't going to be released.

I would for Kotor online

Ubisoft does it again is anyone really surprised they have done this time and time again. DO NOT BUY into it. Good thing Valve is there to help us. Valve has proven that it cares about the customers once more.

for some reason i do this alot on console games mainly the open world games like gta and just cause. dont know why...

since i pre ordered the game anyway the items were a added bonus good job valve! thanks