
@Alchemistmerlin: I think he means the terrorists, not the photographers.

@Mark 2000: @johnny-Lovecraft: @secretpizzaparty:

@Odin: *head scratch*

@Odin: Adding to this, we still don't have full-speed emulation for the PS1, even on today's systems.

@danburd: It's got limits, but the recordoid dictaphone is great. I would pay the whole two bucks for it, but if you don't need long recording times the free versino is great.

@Josh Ameli: Been in 'Merica for months as well...

@Matt Neidert: C/O 2015 here, but you must realise that, while many of us are refined and knowledgeable, vast majority are, well...

@Luis: Usually we learn it enough to sign our names, but forget the rest.

@Deadsider: This. AFAIK, any knife that's not a switchblade, inertia knife, or any other banned knife, can be kept in public, as long as no effort is made to conceal it.

@Rift: All of them.

@kalleboo: We did for a long time.

@Ian Logsdon: Yo Dawg I herd you like memes so I put a meme in yo meme so you can troll while you troll.

Just use lookout. GPS, backup, and you can make your phone alarm to find it in the couch or whatever.

@Dogen: You, sir, get a heart-click.

@St.Jimmy: Also, if ya wanna get into Arduino programming, look into the Arduino and Processing in Tandem course.

Yea, no. The FT2232H is a USB slave device.