
The Arduino, Netduino, etc. are NOT microcontrollers. They are development boards, PCBs with a microcontroller and everything you need to get started in one convenient package. They are actually based off of the ATMEL AVR line of microcontrollers. They are loaded with bootloaders, or small bits of software which

@crazypills77: Get some masking tape, make a small strip the width of your flash, run a Sharpie down one edge, tape it over the flash. Ta-Da, Ghetto Flash Diffuser!

@Ben R: Except we're running low on helium*. If we can make hydrogen safe, sure.

@NuevoLeon: His point is, LH tells us that this hole is a massive security risk, but have no qualms with sending people to a site that deliberately exploits it. Maybe they're trustworthy, but how can we be *sure*?

@Flowah: People form attachment to brand names, because they offer a sense of comfort, assurance. I can argue for days that I love my MBP because it's aluminum, crazy fast, and sexy as hell, but the fact remains that a tiny part of my brain loves it because it is Apple. It belongs to a company that worked hard to

Not a hard mod to do, if the ROL is similar to the original 360.

@Hiphopopotamus: Yea. Isn't there a guy who just does this stuff?

Apple: Get us some Sxipper up in this bitch.

@Dexomega: My question exactly. If the Higgs Boson doesn't exist, and the standard model is wrong, what happens next?

@Jay042: 142 GeV/c^2 Higgs Boson?

I just don't see the app creator coming. It just seems... un-apple.

@Nitemancometh: eFuse is not an anti-rooting measure. It is a standard microcontroller protocol designed to protect processors from being forced to run arbitrary code. If you try to install an unsigned bootloader, it will fail, but Motorola is not going to make your device explode from afar.

@RenRen: It has no effect at all, you are still violating the DMCA and the License agreement.

I think now some carriers will begin to offer support for unlockers to get them on their networks.

@Arty-Marty: *grumbles* I had a bad feeling, thanks.