
How do you sync with flickr? I looked in "Accounts and Sync", but I can only add Exchange, Google, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.

@Mekklesack: Upgrade to Snow Leopard, if you have an Intel Mac.

@Arken: They wouldn't let it.

@ian.nai: They would probably earn double the money back in ad revenue.

@Grive: Grive speaks the truth, citizen!


@Facebook: If you pay the $99, you get five free submissions per year, IIRC.

@Posco Grubb: The Ultimate Steal is still around, they just don't publicize. Also check out

@Go VolsVolsZela: Back on topic, it is well known that crude oil and the dispersants used to clean them are toxic in high enough concentrations. If BP is in fact denying people the right to use respirators as has been reported, they are putting their volunteers in direct danger. If they are not handing out respirators

So, I'm not an atheist (quite the opposite, really), but I have a question. Would any of the atheists in the audience actually used the GodBlock software? I get that some people don't want their kids to think that theism is the only way and all, but it seems like you would want your kid to see everything the world has

@Stevox: It's complicated, but basically half their math is based off of bad measurements.

@punk1n13: It's more like a separate retelling, with the same main plot, but a different interpretation.

Guys, just accept that this is different from the series and move on. It makes it better, trust me.

I'd like to point out that Expression is free for anyone with a .edu email address at