
Sometimes I think Taylor Swift created music to sync to her periods, which coincidentally also syncs around the time she breaks up with her newest boyfriend.

Meh, I feel worthless today. I feel like I'm always, always busy and there's just not enough time to wallow in some recuperative apathy. Also I've been out of my anti-anxiety medication for the past three days and the brief separation from my Benzo Elixir Of Anxiety-Free Life is literally driving me up the wall.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery (of great job, internet)
None but our self can free our minds. (from great job, internet)
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Some say it's just a part of it,
We've got to fulfill

I really want to know how the hell Cosby had acquired all these roofies in the first place. With a possibility of plenty more victims to be included in this vast stew of sadness, I can only imagine he had a HUGE supply of roofies.

Gout. Duh.

The A.V. Club

He straightens. Jeez, he's so hard to please. That rope! We've never used rope before. His fingers brush the coil, and I tingle … everywhere.

You actually watched that movie?!

"This movie is so hot, I would even take a bath for you." - France

That just made me incredibly melancholy.

It still amazes me that a piece of poorly-written Twilight-inspired fan fiction could engender so much popularity from saps middle aged moms.

Why is Hollywood so discriminatory against erect penises? Are we supposed to feel guilt or shame for our tumescent vagaries of flesh because of some prudish moral relativism?!

Then how would that would that explain having two human species?

Reposted Wookiepedia Articles, is that you?

Instead, they have such things like the Rakghoul plague. Which is kinda like zombie plague but even worse!

Huh. I've always thought that the Star Wars universe was kinda like a previous universe before the present universe came along. Kinda like what happened to Galactus' universe in the Marvel universe.

I don't why this should bother me so much, but I hate that said PSA poster says PARENTS OF EARTH when there is no Earth in the Star Wars' universe. The closest equivalent would be Coruscant, which would technically be the homeland of the Human species.

♫Chicken parm taste so good makes you wanna slap your kid♫

The Kardashian's Modus Operandi

We'll fight, we'll make up, and then we'll have some Digital Love.