
(devours steak tartare)

They can appear at anywhere. At anytime. That's the ultimate conceit of Wendy's.

The Sponge named Bob.

"With that red hair, who can resist watching our commercials and eating our disgusting hamburgers?" - Wendy's

I am quite the demon.

Those poor, poor baby eagles.


Only 90's kids would appreciate the inertia of ennui as it resists the pull of JNCO jeans in mid flight.

"I, am, totally, not, insane, but, please, tell, me, about, the, fucking, golf, shoes!" - Lark Voorhies

There's not enough weed in the world to make that insane, inane, ugly, cash-grab of a movie be made palatable to the senses and the wallet.

But dammit, when Sean Bean dies he fucking goes all the way. And looks incredibly sexy in the process.

Perhaps, my good man. Perhaps.

It's not a Sean Bean movie unless Sean Bean is somehow killed.

Only if it involves killer, mutated honeybees and orgies.

All I see is orange and teal, orange and teal, orange and teal, orange and teal, and orange and teal.

Often times, I sit around admiring different shades of Celadon paint samples and think to myself "damn my living room would look even more uglier with a fresh coat of seafoam green! This is perfect!"

Lazy fucking colorists, how do they work?

She does avoid obscuring the subject matter for the most part, there are some anecdotes and of trying to correlate history with modern times. But for the most part she sticks to the subject matter at hand.She doesn't go quite into depth on certain subjects that I desire, but when you're trying to squeeze in 300+ years

Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Kevin Barnes. No doubt. So that makes me kinda biased when I say that I love every album he has ever made and would probably defend OM to the death. So yeah. Hugely biased.

I just finished Susan Wise Bauer's History of the Renaissance World: From The Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Fall of Constantinople a couple of days ago. This was her third book in the series, the first two books being History of the Ancient World and the other being History of the Medieval World. I have read them