
One of my favorite levels of all time. In any game. In any platform. Period.


Sewer Surfin' (pizza monsters not included)

Tonight I dine on turtle soup.

What's disappointing to me is that of all the cable networks that had the temerity to air this painfully tepid dreck, it would have to be FX. For a network that supposedly prides itself in creating high quality viewer-first programming, to air this low quality zero-fun campy horror morass seems horrifically

For some reason, I expected so much more from this show. I mean, if you're going to do campy horror, at least make it competent campy horror. This show subsequently falls flatter than the flat-tasting non-carbonated diet cola I was subjected to at a fancy restaurant a few days back. It had the distinct taste of

It went to the doctor yesterday.
It wasn't good.
..As evidenced by my 250/110 BP.
And I got blood work done and basically freaked out.
I fucking hate needles. Fuck all that shit.
My family has a history of diabetes and hyperthyroidism, that scares me to think I might have either of these conditions.
And now I got a future

Then, truly, Phaeton sees the whole earth on fire. He cannot bear the violent heat, and he breathes the air as if from a deep furnace. He feels his chariot glowing white. He can no longer stand the ash and sparks flung out, and is enveloped in dense, hot smoke. He does not know where he is, or where he is going, swept

Do you hear that sound? That's the sound of Charlie Sheen gloating and cackling maniacally in his very own Taco Bell Drive Thru of Life emporium, thanking his many lucky stars that he got away from this shit show before it became an even more shit shitxcore shittier shit show. Ashton Kutcher and his douchy anti-comedy


Real Estate is so unbelievably good.

Mingus and Pike - The Ruby Suns
Also Frightened - Animal Collective
Something - The Beatles
My Heavenly Way - The Dolly Rocker Movement
Dirty Dustin Hoffman Needs A Bath - Of Montreal

Tame Impala.