Samuel Stephens

I love Skyward Sword as well and am willing to destroy anyone in a debate over wether it's a great game. The general complaints levied against that game seem to be:
-motions controls (people being unfamiliar/uncomfortable with an untraditional controls)
-a rather slow start (ironically the part of the game that gives

Have you played the game? The equipment deterioration is a non-issue in the context of how the weapons are designed and the game is balanced. There's not much weapon variety and pretty much anything is serviceable. Weapons are everywhere and the enemies get better weapons as you gain more hearts and progress further

Dumb person here. What makes a "decent console" in your view? Is it simply performance power? Then there are two "decent" consoles on the market for you already. Personally, I care about the games I can play. As long as Nintendo continues to make high-quality games, I will continue to "throw money" at whatever

To be honest, I don't see much of Nintendo's design philosophy or ideas in virtually any AAA games today. It's impossible for action-adventure games to escape the revolutionary innovations of older Zelda games, but beyond that, the similarities are mostly superficial. Likewise, I think Breath of the Wild developed

I think Ocarina of Time is so special because its innovations were so obviously revolutionary. It basically invented so much of what we take for granted today in 3D action games. My mind is still blown just thinking about everything that went into making that game, even though Majora's Mask is still a better game for

"Always been a TP fan, and absolutely LOVE BotW, even though there is a lot of Skyward Sword in it."

Have you played any of the handheld Zelda games? They are fantastic.

Honestly, it was the very first thing that came to mind the moment the Wii U was unveiled at E3 (that and Pac-Man Vs.). I was hoping for a Zelda game that made good use of the gamepad and all its unique features and I'm sorely disappointed we never got one.

Unapologetic Nintendo fanboy here. Zelda is my second favorite video game franchise (next to Mario, of course) and I'm really enjoying Breath of the Wild, but I personally don't consider it GOAT as of yet or even in my top 5 favorite Zelda games. Admittedly, my views of the series are probably controversial (I adore Sk

Really? I've seen it on quite a few. It's definitely one of the more popular albums with critics this year.