Completely agree.
Completely agree.
If you’ve reached a point where you’re asking “Should I leave my fiance for my crush...” the answer is yes and no.
I always think it’s weird men are intimidated by a woman that’s everything they say they want. I picked a career I love but will never make me rich, so I’m fine with a woman making more than me. Especially if she likes her job. Maybe I was just forced to accept that long ago because my mom makes more than my dad.
We’ve got a guy who is flirting with the girl, and the girl still having feelings for the guy. It will not end well, and you’re right... nip that shit in the bud. My wife and I had the general rule about exes: Do they still have even the slightest feelings for one of us? If yes, then the friendship is over. We’re not…
Roto13, once again missing the entire point so he can focus on his own preconceived notions.
Having complicated feelings for someone, even being attracted to someone, doesn’t automatically lead to problems. Doubly so when your partner is open enough and trusts you enough to mention that they exist in the first place.
“But her suppressed libido might also be result of her anti-depressants.” realize saying it was statistically insignificant works against the point you’re trying to make, right?
Normally I’d say “Get the fuck out of Dodge,” but if this guy is this stupid, I think he deserves to have his bunny boiled.
How does someone write a letter like that without already buying a plane ticket?
"...I find going down on a girl to be as exciting, and sometimes more exciting, than actual fucking."