
The reality is for a low-mileage, recreational athlete this isn't that huge of a deal. But the once mileage starts to increase significantly and/or performances start being differentiated by very low percentages, the training implications can be fairly extreme.
Relatively small changes in vertical displacement

Ilitch bought the Tigers in 1992.

Sure, can you link the particular studies you're thinking of? Do they settle or re-open the debate about push-off?


Yes. Every year.

Did you drop the mic after that reply?


And that's morally wrong, and they should be called out on it and opposed at every turn.

Remember folks, PSU also has the largest student-run philanthropic organization in the world that has raised $100 million+ for pediatric cancer since its inception with probably another $10-15 million coming this weekend.

I'm talking about the study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise thatspecifically addressed your question. The one that was linked both from this post and the Runner's World article. The one that conclusively shows that biomechanically runners do NOT exert a smaller push-off force when running on a treadmill.

So you're making the exact same argument that the study debunked, but you can "almost guarantee" that the study is wrong based on some armchair thinking? OK then.

I can't even appreciate what the guy did because the former OSHA compliance administrator in me is stroking right the fuck out looking at those pictures of him installing the sign. So much wrong!!!!!

As a teen, family vacations were maddening for me. Despite already hating driving, and highway driving in particular, I understood that highway signs are about presenting just enough information, without being overwhelming. (clearly this I-5 sign fell short of that).

You are expending energy to move yourself relative to the surface. Doesn't matter whether or why the surface is moving.

It seems it was only allowed because of the fact that it matched their standards precisely (and was helpful/accurate).

Awesome. Completely insane, but awesome.

It said in the abstract that "Statistically significant differences in knee kinematics, the peak values of GRF, joint moment, and joint power trajectories were identified."

For real?

But can we get tickets at the automated kiosks (like normal people) if we have to buy them in person? That might be their saving grace in this situation.

Just what the film needs, twelve more minutes of Michael Caine saying, "Do not go gentle into that good night! Rage, rage against the dying of the light!"