
Absolutely...if you fire a gun parallel to the ground and drop a bullet simultaneously they will hit the ground at the same time.

Any scientist or statistician will tell you that IS a big enough sample.

Stick to commenting on deadspin and leave probability to people who understand it better.

It's not 100% accurate doofus

Yay, another pun. The lowest form of humor.

Just because someone likes something that you don't doesn't make them the "lowest common denominator"

That's not irony at all


Eliminate the forward pass too! We'll fix this game yet!


That tryout didn't "work out" because he was terrible.

You didn't have psychic dreams, you're delusional.

He's not trolling. You are, indeed, insane if you think your dreams predict the future.


Those endorsement deals are worth a couple million a piece, at most.

Security. He's made one million dollars the last 2 years.

Please don't put QBR and WAR in the same sentence.

WAR is absolutely not "guesswork". That's insanely offensive to the many people who have worked hard (and continue to work)to get to where we are.

It's hard to comprehend but 25 million a year really is a bargain.

I promise you that even if there is a god, he's not using numbers to tell this guy to leave the NFL combine.