When going on sale next year, the F5 will also pack an optional single-clutch paddle shift gearbox and a GPS-based traction control system that will know the track before you could even get there.
When going on sale next year, the F5 will also pack an optional single-clutch paddle shift gearbox and a GPS-based traction control system that will know the track before you could even get there.
How long does he think the tires would last at 290mph?
Because after a few sketchy years of business while building the first Venom (and miraculously stating out of jail), he began not scamming and instead just building some of the fastest and most impressively done cars ever.
I think you guys (and occasional Gal) are doing just fine. Love the snark and wit that you approach the typically dull auto industry coverage with.
Yes! Keep things quirky and fun and upbeat. That's why I read Jalopnik, and not Autoweek or whatever.
You are doing a fine job Matt! I'm loving all the interviews and coverage on new cars in all brackets of the market. I'd love to see some more coverage on older cars and classics. Maybe even a readers rides thing once or twice a week where someone submits a few photos and their (generally awesome) story about them and…
Nope, anytime a large airliner like this goes down, it is news. We are seeing a truly remarkable number of fatal incidents and crashes in a rather short period of time. We came off a record period of flight safety the past few years, and now it seems the pendulum has swung the other way, hard.
Why does this reek of every other dubious claim made by one side or the other since this disaster happened. This one is up there with the Russians floating the story that Putin's plane was in the area and the Ukrainians shot down the airliner because they missed.
Step 1: Replace entire electrical system.
Is Jamiroquai that popular that he has THAT much money??
I'd just like to point out that the Basement Lamborghini was built for half the cost of this thing. As crazy home-built cars go, I'll take that one any day.
Pretty sure any impact in that thing would bash your head against that bulletproof glass and that would kind of be it for you. Not exactly the safest thing, I'd say.
For all of you that think this is fake then you clearly haven't been to Brands Hatch, you can see to get on the track they drive through a pit garage, all the garages have rear openings and when you go to the not so big race meets, as this was, the security is relaxed and you can see right through the garages and into…
Also, just doing some more thinking... doesn't Elon also have a giant battery factory in the works that could benefit immensely from a ton of manufacturers needing batteries for their electric cars built using Tesla technology?
I'm betting this is "6 Dimensional Chess Elon," more than "Good Guy Elon." He needs a bigger electric car market to grow the company and the competitors aren't getting there fast enough. He's inviting them to help grow it, so Tesla has more customers to sell to.
Don't like the article on this sub-blog of Jalopnik (a US-based car blog reporting about a US city that is the CENTER of the US auto industry, still the most important market in terms of potential sales/upward mobility in the world)? I'll give you the same advice I give to the folks who complain about Foxtrot Alpha: do…
giving all the people who read these, comment on these, "star" these and enjoy these apparently some people do give a fuck
I had to look it up.