ssreset’s baseball.

I was thinking they could bring back the “Heroic Brutality” for her from MK vs DC to make things interesting, but The Female would definitely fit.

Wasn’t the Xenomorph in MKX?

For fuck’s sake stop rebooting shit and starting from the same numbering system as something that already exists.

Fingers crossed that Ronda “Sandy Hook Truther” Rousey isn’t voicing Sonya Blade ever again.

And if you are gonna sensationalize the headline, you might as well do it like “Man Jailed After Beating Neighbor with Pokemon Cards, Was Super Effective”

A family in every house and a Beast Burger on every plate.

Does it not suck this time? Because the first two had some serious performance issues.

I mean sure, just like Seth Rogan’s DK is becoming increasingly controversial so long as you keep linking to articles from your own site.

“Giuseppe” also appears to have been modeled after the original Mario/Jump Man artwork.

Epic, you can’t spend years crossing over your kid’s game with every media franchise under the sun, then tell players they can’t put in anything they’ve ever seen in another game. 

the bulge is kinda weird but this seems like the kind of thing someone would make custom rather than buy from a company. 

Oh yeah, I forgot Nintendo doesn’t use “cartridges,” it uses “paks.

Its a trap!

I always loved the “Mario, the hero of the story (maybe)“ part. I’m sure they intended it as maybe=if you complete the game, but there’s enough wiggle-room that it could mean that Mario maybe isn’t the hero of this story, especially after breaking all those bricks (ie: transformed Mushroom Kingdom citizens) looking

my favorite version of this idea is a webcomic (that I can’t find!) where Mario saves Peach, marries her, has a long and fulfilling life, dies of old age, and then promptly wakes up back in 1-1.

Also saw this in the responses. It’s somehow even darker.