
Wow, I’m glad I don’t care about getting spoiled for this series.

“It’s not because Sony paid us, definitely not that.  They’re definitely not doing what they’re trying to argue Microsoft would do with Activision games, definitely completely unrelated and not hypocritical.”

I’m still trying to figure out how MJ was able to hold onto social acceptance after his death. Only thing I can think of is the lack of convictions. If they would have had anything he’s be gone for a few decades like gary glitter. 

Well, at least they did the right thing and prioritized getting it into the hands of the online bot scalpers and not the gamers that waited in line in the cold to preorder.

Yeah I mean they can for sure make good connections, it’s not that I don’t think they can connect the universe, I just think it cheapens the experience. It feels tacky to me, a little heavy on fan service, that’s all. I don’t think it makes a lot of narrative sense unless you’re a fan of both games. Like literally,

i know fans aren’t owed a conclusion, but i’m glad he posted it -- was enough to let me stop caring about getting an official ending 

Honestly the game has gay couple has a trans actor playing a trans character, is more racially diverse than og harry potter for cast, and main character is refered to as they them. You can be even trans. At this point I think Kotaku and the like are actually losing at this. Yes JK is a bitch but this game is the most

It’s a fucking description. It basically lets me know Turn based shit involving borderline pre-teens

Because they know you’re a filthy pervert, Dave, that’s why!

Cowards, let me go full „Metal Gear Rising: Revengence“ on the enemies!

I read it as, “Well, as long as the news outlets don’t run front page articles YOU CAN CUT PEOPLE’S ARMS OFF IN THIS NEW STAR WARS GAME, Disney will probably let us leave it in.”

Does anyone else think it’s weird that Bob Marley quotes the “tra-la-la” part of the Banana Splits theme in “Buffalo Soldiers”? Because he totally does.

Do not blaspheme The Banana Splits. It was a great show. The vignettes of the Banana Splits held the main attractions together...Danger Island, The New Adventures of Tom & Huck, Secret Squirel and all the rest!

The modder should be happy that CDPR spread their work throughout the community and didn’t let it get muffled. Treat it like a badge of honor and not an axe wound.

so good they gave sarah bryant a goromi outfit

God I hope the Yakuza waifu is just Goromi

We already have Goromi

Recording both forms of consent (before, after) seem pointless. Prior consent can be revoked at any moment, and post-consent could be coerced bullshit.

“You Won’t Believe that Two Comics Brands Tried to Rip Off Each Other’s Ideas!”

I never played it on PS3 but it was great on the Wii.