
Not interested in beta testing this one. I just want to play the finished version.

Whats the point anyways?

I'd have to say that it's pretty lame of the developers to punish players for exploiting the game that designed that way. If they don't want players to exploit their design, then the developers need to fix the problem in the game, not punish players who decide to exploit an obvious flaw. Exploits are pretty far from

BURN! I want that! But scummy Americans aren't privy.

I thought that was awesome. I wish more celebs would perform a public service like that and warn people of the dangers of video game addiction. *snicker*

So this is exclusive to X360?

Is that supposed to be some sort of perspective thing with her legs and torso?

Sooo sweet! I hope that Sierra decides to dot he same. Kings Quest Baby!

Good Lord! I couldn't finish that.

Less interested in seeing gameplay footage cause I already know it rocks. More interested in playing the game already.

"Not that I am suggesting anyone try that, of course."

The smartest thing my parents ever did was buy 2 of those things for the 5 kids in our family exclusively for a 3 day road trip. I think we would have driven our parents insane if we didn't have them a distraction. On a side note, it funny to me that that is the only platform that I've ever seen my mom get addicted to

Totally win. Makes me want to play Halo again.

@iam118: ABSOLUTELY! Wolf:ET makes Quake:ET look like dog poo. Just because QET has better graphics doesn't mean shit when it comes to gameplay. Wolf:ET has some of the best MP maps I've ever played on.

WHOOOOOA! It's Paper Mario X4!

I'd have to agree that I'm getting sick of looking at SCII screenshots. They all look the same, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is when am I going to get to play?!

Lame. .99 for any single item is a total rip-off. They better come in bunches or dozens or it's a total scam.

These screens look like they are biting off of the level design from all the Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory maps pretty hard. That's fine with me cause those were some of the best MP maps I've ever played on. It's to bad Quake: ET totally sucked balls.

So where can I get a copy of the "Monkey Magic" Series. That looks so damn funny I almost peed my pants.

I bet if we outlawed ALL forms of electronic gaming that no one would ever die again. EVAR!