Do you have a link to that info? I know nothing about XFX.
Do you have a link to that info? I know nothing about XFX.
This is definitely not the first time the subject has been broached. But I have yet to see a succinct argument for wording of a law that would be more helpful than harmful.
How exactly would you propose the new law be worded?
Thats what I always thought, but I read up recently and my new understanding is that cards paired (at least in SLI) do not actually increase the ram, instead the same amount is used by each card. I will not claim to be an expert, but I read the answer from several different sites. In fact if true, I will be upgrading…
On Pont 5, can you share reading material on that (I had the assumption that the higher resolution would require 3GB+ of ram.
Playing with fire:
You know male abusers use this same kind of twisted logic. Being less evil than, does not make you good, or even neutral.
If one enjoys silly arguments, the classic counter "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight" could be used here.
I didn't think it was possible, but I am now stupider for reading this posting.
Oh, I believe that.
A book without an audience is a diary.
Its like the grim reaper hiding behind a rando veil. (I am here for YOU - said in a deep and penetrating whisper)
Without properly reading the article, I want to test out a comment. I think programmed delays (IFTTT like) commands should be native to google now. For example, in an ideal world I would be able to take my phone say, send my SO a text when I am with in 2 miles of location "home". or text ride when I arrive at…
I dont know what kind of guy this guy is, but he is afraid of rejection, just like her. Just one of those rejections could have real and immediate consequences, and the other is another child who didn't get their pony. Real risk aside both are avoiding a inevitable life lesson, that depending on what choice they make…
The difference between you and I is most likely an issue of sweat. I wear a pair of pants for an entire day while being moderately active (with a temperature above 65 degrees) and I will sweat. After 5 (non-consecutive) days of wearing the same pair of pants would be my limit, 3 days being my average. At the worst,…
I dont think his response was qualified. I would love to hear the honest answer to "How many times have you worn that exact pair of jeans?" or "How many pairs of jeans do you own?" OR "When you say it has never seen a washing machine, is that because it is hand washed by 'the help'?"
As I said, they dont know you. Only a screen name and the words you choose to type.
Who / what are they slandering? They dont know you, they only see your screen name and your posts. They can only attack what you said, or your general behaviour. A personal attack is a bluff, unless you are sharing your personal details. Therefore it is only slander if YOU let it be. But I would like to hear what…
While I dont disagree with your comment, I do have to ask how and why MRA label is applied. What post am I missing, or is MRA just the ultimate devil term?
Well, I dont know you, nor will I ever so I hold no expectation for you, so only general expectation would apply, and I generally expect responses to be sane. What you said above makes you seem childish, or trollish at best, and unhinged at worst. You seem to care too much about what strangers think of you and what…