
"Given that every time my IQ has ever been tested or measured I've rated in the top 0.1% of all test takers at my age group, I sincerely doubt that's true. The chances that you're smarter than me are much closer to 0% than 50%. Yes, I'm quite arrogant about this. Nearly everybody I speak to is less intelligent than

"Fuck you, your family, your friends, and your household pets. You deserve to get shot for calling me a troll, you disgusting little liar."

I thought that too, but because confused when I read

Can it use your wifi to find your exact location in your house (more specifically, can it tell difference and direction from your router/access point)?

I think it depends on what you are tying the word to. Here you are attaching it to our government and societal structure (US), and I agree its a one way street there. I do not know of any part of the US system that does not favor whites (affirmative action was/is just a hopeful catalyst at best, and a bandaid at

I apologize then. My comment was written based on a false assumption (have seen the behaviour on other sites, and assumed it could be happening here.)

If thats true, then my comment does not apply, and I offer my apology. I have become so used to this happening over on cracked, that I assumed it could be true here.

In offense to them, I would say when you find your authors repeating info on a website, you may want to look in to a better archive / reference system.

Who and where (link)? I am interested in seeing, and I dont know what you are referring to.

It is the gawker way. It is better to click bait than to articulate.

True store, but more like 99.8%.

(the last sentence of the original comment)

Is the last sentence an actual story, or invented as an argument? I ask because I have not heard of it.

Are you schizophrenic?

Where did Ash mention guards??

Just to add, making tips (or waiters pay) part of the bill would make resturants simply function as a normal business. You could still tip on top of that amount, and it would be an actual tip at that point. If you receive bad service, you could either A. Never return, because there are competitive options with good

What are the laws regarding taser use? Jesus Christ. I think the only way someone like this might get it would be if a large (relative to the guy) gay man to pull the same actions on him. (Grabbing his hand, following him, overtly hitting on him, ask him if he needs help finding the restroom).

True, these PUA's seem to act like woman are sheep, or dogs (they do like the word "bitches") remember that, let it motivate you. Someone who does not respect your space, or ignore your body language, is at best a severely confused human, at worst a malicious predator. Predators are not brave or noble, and chase

I was trying to be cute (not troll) just silly (I get in a good mood in the afternoon, and begin to imagine myself as clever).

Sorry its been a while, I dont remember why It is a response to you. I think I might have intended to add to your argument. I appreciate responses from thoughtful commentators either way. Thanks.