This was my understanding too, but I literally could not believe I was right.
This was my understanding too, but I literally could not believe I was right.
Why should my taxes pay for someone else’s sluttiness??!!!!!!!1!2-
I think she’s by far the most dangerous Trump, because she acts as the counterweight; she’s beautiful, poised, and is able to maintain a certain level of composure that makes her look like a damn rocket scientist compared to her father and his surrogates. And while most of us here can see behind the green curtain,…
And - it’s only for married mothers, not for single women!!
He could have looked at literally any employment contract that included maternity benefits to get a better policy.
To me, she seemed smart enough not to pretend to be an expert on subjects outside her purview. I gave her credit for that.
She’s also very pretty, and ::cough:: successful in business ::cough until I choke::
Well she didn’t hide it, people just overlooked it due to the whole ‘victim of sexual abuse’ vibe that was coming of her due to the relationship with her father.
Ugh. It’s just amazing that a presidential fucking candidate could put out a policy so obviously poorly thought out. Not limiting it to maternity leave, and providing for leave for newly adoptive parents is common fucking sense for anyone who thinks about this for more than a minute. What Trump proposed is basically a…
Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.
She really hid her Trumposity well for awhile, but no more.
Wait, so why is calling racist, misogynistic, xenophobic people “deplorable” bad? It sounds like you think we should cater to these racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic people’s precious feelings...
Oh please. Like there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that she will ever “bring into the fold” idiots like this. She could be handing out rifles and money on a cloud next to Jesus and they’d still hate her.
Nope, his supporters are awful people. Fuck them. They deserve to be called out and ridiculed. They got duped by an asshole pretending to be a Republican. It’s both funny and sad.
I’d say she did focus on the beliefs and attitudes that are deplorable and the people with them are necessarily deplorable as well. Her quote: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Drumpf’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic,…
It’s all good. All of this just reconfirms that Hillary was right, and I’m ok with that.
No good calling him that, he has no idea what ‘deplorable’ means, and probably no access to either a dictionary or google.
Basket of deplorables? You don’t say....
You’re an idiot. Can’t wait until November when you assholes head back under the White Hate rocks from which you came.
I’m pretty sure Roseanne and Joan Rivers had roasts....