Social justice paladin

She was, after all, shrewd enough to negotiate the destruction of Syria and Libya.

The sad thing is is I think most people with a functioning brain and who follows this coverage even sporadically realizes this, and it is so fucking annoying.

Now playing

Meanwhile, Donald Trump literally used the Donald Trump Foundation to bribe someone. And I have seen.... pretty much nothing on it.

Or worse,having someone you know who was travelling with Bill freaking Clinton to Korea (with a good cause, freeing imprisoned journalists) ask for special diplomatic passports...and still being told no because it was against the rules.

Don’t forget “using your position as Secretary of State to coordinate with Nobel Peace Prize winners and a charity that was related to an upcoming government program.” Oh, the humanity!

Why not? We are going to need someone shrewd enough to negotiate, and win, with a Republican Congress out for blood.

Now I’m a shade amateur, but I would also go with shade on this one.

The more I hear about Clinton’s emails, the more I like her. We need a brilliant, calculating President in order to keep the economy humming along while simultaneously bringing about the slow, incremental change necessary to maintain a healthy and fluid democracy.

This entire topic has been bothering me since it first appeared.

Well, this seems appropriate.

No. He can’t get a job.

How would you like to be the human resources professional tasked with delivering THAT sexual harassment training?

Yeah, he is the standard they all aspire to. Let’s not forget that he is a forced-birther, too. The mental mechanizations required for an evangelical to still be willing to support him are too difficult to even contemplate.

Oh, dear. That’s a horrible thought. Isn’t he a lawyer, though? Can’t he just get a frickin’ job?

Shit. I totally forgot DesJarlais pressured a mistress to have an abortion, and had sex with his patients—and won his seat and his wife didn’t even leave him.


“Lost” may not be the best word. If a man sets fire to his own hair, you probably wouldn’t say he “lost his hair.” He knows where it is, he wrecked it.

His true loves, you know, besides his dick.

The weirdest bit was the constant harping on how Huma was tangentially connected to Hillary and somehow that was relevant? Like does anyone watching a documentary about how Anthony Weiner completely torpedoed his political career think “Oh my, this just reflects terribly on Hillary Clinton.”

I just feel terrible for Huma. As someone who has had her share of bad boyfriends, her position - the higher-profile partner of a raging narcissist - just seems to authentically suck.