I like the idea of quality of the weapon degrading. So it is still usable but less effective until you repair it in some way. Either by whetstone yourself or maybe take it to a town with a blacksmith like diablo 3.
I like the idea of quality of the weapon degrading. So it is still usable but less effective until you repair it in some way. Either by whetstone yourself or maybe take it to a town with a blacksmith like diablo 3.
Would be kind of cool to port all 3 to switch as a bundle.
Or you know character development. He always wanted to protect his family. Maybe not hold and show his emotion in the early years. But look at how he has evolved and grown as a man since dbz
I seriously hope they do away with that in the sequel. At the very least give us repairable weapon system. Stuff that degrades over time and has to be repaired.
Nope. Not a US thing either. Just sandals here.
Nope. Not a US thing either. Just sandals here.
nope. sandals is all I remember.
nope. sandals is all I remember.
That might be why I like Joust in Smite so much. three team members. Relatively small map. Easy to keep track of everyone (enemies and friends alike).
The sounds in the trailer reminded me of twilight princess. I am hoping this will be less “sequel” and more brand new game made in the same engine. Kind of like OOT and Majoras Mask. Same core gameplay but different feel.
I agree with better dungeons, enemies, and actual items/ no breaking weapon system but the core gameplay of BoTW was fantastic and I am beyond excited for a sequel.
Just got a 3 month sub to game pass for $1 so I am going to try to play some things on there. Monster hunter world or crackdown 3 maybe. Fallback is probably smite on xbox one though.
Wondering if it would just be better to have a start wars movie set in the kotor era. Not necessarily kotor in movie form. Sure, it can have darth malak and some of the other characters somewhere in it. but not focusing on the same story itself.
Yup. I did it in my WRX once. Not quite as graceful or high speed as that. It was me trying to come to a stop at a stoplight on snow/ice then realizing that I was not going to stop in time I gave it a little throttle and spun around another driver like that. Came to a complete stop after I did the 360 then went on my…
It is a first party Nintendo game and those rarely go on sale.
Also available on Amazon. https://smile.amazon.com/Roku-Streaming-Stick-HDR-Streaming-Long-range/dp/B075XLWML4/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2SPDP7A5L944K&keywords=roku+streaming+stick%2B&qid=1553534270&s=gateway&sprefix=roku+%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-3
Also available on Amazon. https://smile.amazon.com/Roku-Streaming-Stick-HDR-Streaming-Long-range/dp/B075XLWML4/ref=sr…
not necessarily different queues but there is an enable option to enable cross play so you know you are with users on mouse and keyboard.
You list is more complete than mine. Forgot about a few of those (donkey kong, mario bros u, captain toad, bayonetta).
I actually count over 10 AAA exclusives in the 2 years the switch has been out (released March 2017). Zelda BoTW, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 (port technically), Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicals 2, Pokkan Tournament (port technically), Fire emblem warriors, Arms, Mario+Rabbids, Mario Tennis Aces, Mario Party, Super…
Is it possible to do the same for xbox 1 or ps4? I don’t remember either having many AAA exclusives each year either. Just from my quick research (Some are not necessarily AAA but also includes some well received exclusives):
I wish I could recommend this post more than once.
Sad that smite is missing from this list. Probably my most played game on xbox one and switch. But overall I like the list. I am going to have to give AoV a shot. Didn’t even know it was on switch.