
I just wish I could get a discount considering I own it on PC, xbox 360, and xbox one....

Ok. You lied. This is definitely an article for Packers fans as well as people who highly dislike the Packers. I happen to be one of those packer fans in Wisconsin and I was rolling laughing at some of these. Thanks for the laughs.

add Goku”... Well now that is someone I did not even think about them adding... I would LOVE that. Have a Super Saiyan/ Super Saiyan Rose/ Super Saiyan Rose skins as well. I would have to stop playing Link and Pikachu then.

welcome back! we’ve missed you.

Those same AAA pubs are listening to fans in some regards. Look at battlefield 5. They confirmed no loot boxes. And many games are getting rid of paid dlc that splits its playerbase (Titanfall 2, battlefront 2, halo 5, battlefield 5, etc.).

100% agree. I don’t know why I didn’t switch sooner.

I would be in favor of purchasing the exact skins I want or a cosmetic only loot box with a chance at certain ones for slightly cheaper. For example: The skin I want normally sells for $5. But I can gamble on a lootbox that gives me 1 of 10 skins for $2.50. Something like that. Or do what fortnite does and have a

I have to agree with that. I love that some people are still supporting devs with cosmetic only loot boxes and things like that. I honestly love the way fortnite does they’re cosmetics. They have purchasable one as well as a season pass that allows you to complete quests to unlock future items and purchases. The more

That’s a pretty good idea too. Do both downloadable version and stream version for one purchase. Would allow for worse systems to still stream it if needed. The only problem with that is it would work well for PC but I couldn’t see it working well for xbox/switch/ps4. If they make a stream version it is likely because

So a class action lawsuit would come from Steam busting but you don’t think the same would happen from your hypothetical streaming company doing down?.. class action lawsuits don’t mean a thing if a company ends.

Ok. Since you love your hypotheticals and jumping to insane conclusions heres one your tiny brain might be able to understand.

I got in a fun pick axe fight once. I had a challenge for top 50 in solo. So like I always do I just wait until the bus kicks me out and instantly pull my glider out and slowly land. I was gliding toward the middle of the circle and then someone else passed me. She turned around and we kept at it. It was almost like a

I have to laugh if you really think you could still have access to all of your digital games if steam ended. Yes, you would still have access to everything still installed on your computer. But if Steam shuts down good luck installing any of those games that are “yours” on a new computer. Same goes for any digital

Well said +1

Cheaper yes. If it is only going to be $20 on switch it’s already $10 cheaper than steam (unless you catch it on sale of course) and $20 cheaper than xbox one and ps4. There are a ton of single player only games I would happily pay a smaller price to play through once or twice. Plus being able to play games the system

Sure looks the same as renting to me. Go on amazon and rent a movie. Requires a strong internet connection to watch it. Its good for a specific period of time then its gone. This one is just $20 for “unlimited” time. Unlimited being until they take the game down.

Um... Renting is the same thing as this. You get to play it until the rental place says no or pay me more...

This is nothing like game netflix... It’s still pay once play as much as you’d like.

It is not different than any multiplayer only game. It only exists while the servers are up. If they take the servers down you can’t play anymore (looking at you Marvel Heroes...). MMOs have been this way for a while as well. If WOW decided to shut down there is no way to replay it. People looking to play it just need

Thanks for the good read. Now I miss the glory days of n64 and gamecube.