
“Oh shit we forgot the mayor was coming tonight!”

To pen an authentic and intellectual cinema review – the kind worthy of publication in America’s snootiest airport magazine – one must remember to include countless, such as it were, asides and clauses, seemingly without a purpose other than rendering one’s prose an inarticulate gruel of half thoughts, all while

When your second son is born, bring your older son to the hospital but don’t introduce him to his baby brother being held by his mom. Send him to the nursery to “find” his brother and bring him to his parents. Makes an enormous difference down the line...

I guess that explains why Eli’s lips were moving the whole night.

He’s intelligent, popular, and didn’t have to pay Hulk Hogan tens of millions of dollars.

On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

A++ tag.

Crazy is also fun, though

If it is Dolores in the photo it would tie in with what I think Siezemore is on to in his belief that there are bigger plans in play. I think the most obvious possibility is the hints that this technology is a pathway to a form of immortality. The two likely corporate agendas are to either weaponize the robotic

I too, love the Rohan LOTR theme.

I think it’s “older white men who are in a position to have a lot of contact and interaction with younger black men, often in a very positive way that reveals these young men’s worth and humanity, in a way that the vast majority of older white men in this country do not.”

She got the pipe

They certainly called it wrong. That said - why aren’t more people talking about how they called it the way that makes sense? A loss of down penalty at the end of regulation by the offense should result in a turnover and un-timed play for the same reason that the game can’t end on an defensive penalty.

It’s basically a community college so give the guy a break.......

Best part of this play: the fundamentals on that chest pass.

Sigh, I picked a wonderful day to wear my Mets shirt to work

I’ve heard that he cannot palm a golf ball.

I too made the mistake of creating a screen name designed to amplify my first post, and now I’m stuck with it while all the cool kids have cool names that amplify all of their cool posts. I am certain I would have long left the grays but for this error.

Possibly the most offensive article that Jezebel has ever published.