SSGT Sean Dignam

I feel like The Master and Inherant Vice are both way ahead of their times and won't be fully appreciated for a number of years. PTA may be a time traveler from the future making movies about the past.

I saw Amer.

What a fantastic series.

Schizophrenia fascinates me.

I had a "The Doors" phase in my early 20s and wound up introducing them to a friend of mine who had never heard of them. After discovering Jim Morrison, My friend decided that Jim was the coolest person who had ever lived and decided to emulate him from then on out. He found an acid connection and abused it severely

Dude, Ken Casey's a good fahkin guy. His mutha cuts my mutha's hair and does a good fahkin job at it too. I see him down the packie every now and again and he always gives dabs. Guys good shit.

I'm saying…
I'm not saying…
I'm saying…
I'm not saying…
I'm saying…
I'm not saying…


Remember kids, People can accuse you of doing something you did not do and you can go to jail for a very long time because of it. That's why sometimes, you don't need to listen to the police and, in fact, you should actually be very scared of them because those are the people who will come and take you to jail.

Wait… what?

I still believe in Rodriguez but i can't stand Smith. I havn't seen Tusk, but Red State was awful.

"Those who would give up silly movies to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither silly movies nor safety."

My friend cut himself while on acid while I was with him, but I'm pretty sure he knew its was his body part and it was still connected to him.

TBS has killed The Christmas Story. Like destroyed it. Set it on fire and smashed its bones into dust and spread it around the forest.


He pronounced memes as may-mays at 0:58

So what happens to the villains they lock up? Do they get fed? Do they get any type of human contact? They are "Bad Guys" but 24/7 solitary confinement in that tiny room would be a fate worse than death. Its almost sociopathic to do that do someone and think your doing good.

A bunch of the 98 Red Sox including Pedro, Wakefield, and V-Tek. I also have Terry O'Reilly… and Britney Spears.

Anyone have some extra disgust laying around? I don't think I have enough to go around.
