
With whack limitations like that, how is there going to be a next gen Oprah? Puhlease Newegg, you just lost a customer you neva had!

You ready to play with power?

I know I'm getting buffed, but you don't. Yet.

Since it's based on the show, host Joel McHale jokingly asked if that meant there'd be a lot of sex scenes. Telltale's Kevin Bruner's response: "There are sex scenes on the show?"

Oh 4Chan, you silly people... They've been posting this all over Reddit/9gag/facebook, and it is quite believable looking!

Thats the equivalent of saying "I love nice people"

Keyboard-and-Mouse Is a Better Controller Than Any Other Controller

iNis — Gitaroo Man, Lips, Demons' Score

Exactly what I was thinking. Geez, although it's mostly going to be me grudgingly thinking of not being able to freaking beat Ansem again! For the 15th time! Today!

Now you don't even have Hobomodo listed? Cmon people! Everyone likes free stuff!


I remember once having a deck with the planeswalker Ajani Goldmane (sometin like that) in a Green and White deck, and it rocked. It synergized so well, its ridiculous! Ajani had a power that returned all dead creatures back to the battlefield (took a while to get it up) and before that, just throw all the lil weenie

B, b but guys? Dota 2 released 2 new heroes this week? Cmon? You know you want to try! We have GladOs! Guys?

That could actually be a really good idea, and it would make sense timeline wise, as you wouldn't have to remember stuff from a book ago in order to keep the story straight, but alas, I'm already past that point!

I mean jeez, with book 4 did he hafta take all the boring/crappy characters and then put all the good ones (Tyrion/Bran/Daenarys [appeared in both, tho more in 5]) in 5! It made 4 almost unbearable...... bleagh too much exposition and intrigue, but 5 is freaking fantastic so far (half way there!) and hoping 6 and 7

I once went to a thing held at UW Madison last year, and one of the booths was using nutella filled condoms to demo the toilet, and those worked fine! Don't fix what ain't broke!

Here guyz

Looks like Meepo had a bit of an.... accident :\

I always just see the guy behind him craning to see...