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    @acidrain69: P.S. - it may have been vid card drivers. But most of the bugs I experienced happened across multiple brands, so I point my finger at MS for that.

    @acidrain69: That's cool dude. I'm somewhat of a comp scientist as well, though I don;t have much AIX experience.

    @acidrain69: Sure, I know it had the support. But the vast majority of vid cards back then only had dual-monitor support, not triple, so the OS didn't matter - still needed 2 video cards, unless you had a Matrox. Besides, just because Windows 2000 had the support, doesn't mean it worked well, if at all, with certain

    @acidrain69: They're talking about triple monitor support, not dual.

    @atheos: OK, it was bad, but that bad?

    @ThePaul: I totally agree with you, and it's why I never use a case.

    @tpg0007: Haha... nice... just make sure it has DEET in it!

    @Mooncow27: It might be a different story, but I heard about that a few months back (winter I think). What I read though, it wasn't a kid... I think he has in his early 30s. Les was his idol and he had read his books.

    @mikeness: Couple problems with RAID in the field.

    @5speed: Hehe... Fatty McGee,,, you're the fattest. *WEEEEEEE*

    @jinlee: Looks the exact same to me. Keep in mind Adrian specifically said the base of a T-54. The turret part is all custom... most tanks don't come with a jet engine on top after all.

    @goldentreesang: HDD platters are very sensitive to magnetic fields and contaminants. One speck of dust, or too close to a fridge magnet, and you've lost data.

    @blyan: For sure anyone has a chance. But I said good chance. That's based on their fighting styles; I think Sonnen's style could throw Silva off his game, and the fact that Sonnen seems to be one tough mofo. See Sonnen's last fight? i forget who it was against, but he got some brutal head shots from the other guy and

    @DittoBox: That's assuming a lot. How do we know he doesn't give 1 million a year to charity already? I'm sure he doesn't, but we don;t know that. Will we only be happy if he gives all his money away? That's not how people work pal. He earned his money (as opposed to winning the lottery or something) and can do

    @blyan: Agreed. He has skills, but is totally a douche-bragger.

    @blyan: It would have to be 3 minutes or less... if not, Mayweather would probably win. Silva doesn't have very good cardio, but he is pretty good at hiding it. Did you see his last fight against Damian Maia? He couldn't even finish him he was so tired.

    @MariJade: Why sickening? The guy is loaded and can spend his money on whatever he wants. I think it's funny and a little ridiculous... but not sickening.

    @iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: Haha - too funny. Pandas sure are lazy. Did you know most have to be coaxed into sex? They're too lazy for sex, dammit! I agree with the 'expert', who may not even exist, that they should be left to die, or preferably, survive on their own.