
The weapons bays are physically smaller on the B than the A&C due to the lift fan/ STOVL stuff. It cant carry the bigger munitions the A&C can and that might be where the fit issue comes in.

It cant fit the rack in the bay with the AMRAAM is what I got from the article, so it cant carry them on either side.

It is sad how easily they can take your shit and you almost have no recourse to get it back

He does look like the typical doucher that would do that

dont really need an intercooler, itll run just fine with out it

Totally clutch. reaching back to open it with an extended cab sucks

I love the little zoom/ blind spot mirror parts. I have them on my truck and put some on my Camaro to make it easier to see out of and park.

They moved their throttles past the MIL stop when they landed. With a certain amount of force the throttles will move past the MIL stop and go into blower with out using the finger lifts, easy to do when they are slamming the throttles forward on impact with the deck.

even if that was the case that they only pulled the lever once and it didn't open, that means they only tried that once in 13 fucking hours. They though bashing the windows out was a better idea than trying to pull the door lever again.

they are all still weak though

even if its a 4.6 its reason enough to trade it in. they are dogs

good 'ole ghetto fogger. I've seen diesel guys do that and spray right into the turbo inlet.

because they buy whats on the lot and that's what the dealers order. Most buyers aren't going to custom order a truck to get the engine they want

That factors into the tow rating

lol. who is in office now? I dont think he is a Republican.

Wagons are not cool, they are soccer mom mobiles

They are fuel rail covers made to look like the Whipple case