
Two words: Cowboy. Bebop.

I’m going to be disappointed if Gundam goes the high school route as anything but a starting point. SEED started with students as well, but once the war starts, school falls by the wayside, and I don’t know how Gundam can make any claims to actual introspection on the nature of humanity in a time of war if you can

OmG liKe jUst CaLl iT JOkeR

What if the live-action Disneyverse was secretly Disney’s version of the Snyder Murderverse all along?

I don’t know how you could possibly think that this episode was suggesting “both sides are bad” or any sort of equivalency between Nazis and progressives. That’s just ridiculous. Some people fake/use progressivism in order to gain power and wealth; Neuman is one of those people.

I think you are projecting too much on this. The Neuman reveal doesn’t mean Progressives = Nazis. It means she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we have not a clue what her game is. I didn’t get that take at all. Cults of personalities are bad things was my biggest take away. If, next year, they show her as committed

There it is, the worst possible sentence. Nice work everyone, we found it.

J.J. Abrams Will Produce Oh, the Places You’ll Go! as Part of a Dr. Seuss Cinematic Universe

It’s going to be difficult to associate J.J. Abrams with a movie that goes anywhere.

Oh look, I guess I finally had that stroke.