The best strategy I've found for getting out quickly has been this:
The best strategy I've found for getting out quickly has been this:
That's very interesting. I've only ever seen magpies do this to protect their young. We had one that lived on our land growing up, and it nested on the ground. When we would be out walking near the nest, the adult would feign injury to lead us away from the nest, then fly around behind us to get between us and the…
Really? Mic-to-speakers? If you're wiring the thing anyway, why not desolder the microphone and install a minijack? Then run a patch line between the computer's line-out and the module. Then you get a better recording (though you'll want to be sure you don't overpower it, and I doubt you can specs for the recording…
So, between p2 and p3 eh?
Hack this bad boy?
I think lifehacker is typically aimed at the nonprofessional cook. This is, "I'm taking this cheesecake to the office party that starts in an hour. Crap. It' cracked."
When my son was still in his crib, a construction crew was using a radio on the same frequency as our baby monitor. This wasn't really their fault; they had no way to know! But I had no way of changing my frequency. So I just wound up the music box, put it right next to the monitor broadcaster, and turned up the…
Or tell him you're on the Atkins diet and ask if he wants to split a plate!
I just lost the game.
Maybe a gurgly stomach noise? That will give you an excuse to LEAVE the room to accept the call. Just make sure the dead sound at the end is long enough to avoid the exact same gurgle recurring.
This really makes me want to use "Jenny's Number" to sign up for a Kroger card. Imagine the gas points I could rack up if even 10 people with my area code used MY alternative ID to buy groceries.
I'm wondering why there isn't more about Amy's not being able to have kids. I don't know, that hospital on New Earth should be able to manage that, shouldn't it?
And, by the way, it's worked pretty well so far. He's 4, and I can probably count on one hand the number of times he's rolled out of his bed since he was one-and-change and power-kicked his way out of his drop-side crib.
I made a point to position my kid near the edge. My hope was that he'd learn to find the edge with his hand and/or foot, and then he wouldn't roll off. That's what I do; I regularly wake up in the morning with a foot or hand hanging off the side.
So I'm visiting my parents' house, and I see the first episode of "The Newsroom" in a rerun on HBO. I LOVE it! Unfortunately, I don't subscribe to HBO at home.
If it's a toxin-mediated infection, then even if you kill off all of the beasties and nasties, you still have the toxins they created while having their gluttony-filled reproductive orgy.
Ouch. I hit my head on the pay-wall. Wonder if they'll charge me for using my credit card...
Someone did more than watch the movies...