It also blends in real well with the road making it harder for other drivers to differentiate you from the pavement. I love the look, but the safety....
It also blends in real well with the road making it harder for other drivers to differentiate you from the pavement. I love the look, but the safety....
Stole the election? Please site your source. That claim has long been discredited.
Mad Bruh?
We get it Aimee, you don’t like Republicans. Go after them with the meanest picture of Lindsey Graham you can find to accuse the Republicans of being hypocrites. You could of just as easily used a picture of James Carville in one of his animated moments. You know, the guy who talked about dragging a hundred dollar…
Articles like this happen when a gender studies graduate leaves college and can’t find employment at anything other than a blog site. It’s the wussification of America. Women can’t compete unless we help them in all sorts of ways. Come on Nick, women are succeeding in record numbers. They don’t need your help.
I can confirm this. My 2013 SR5 white doublecab 4wd with 40k miles has had 0 problems and KBB has it valued private party sale at $800 more than what I paid for it new.
Why are you assuming he is privileged? Do you know him?
Voting is the most important thing you can do as a citizen and should be treated seriously. People died for you to have this right, so you should not be able to present a utility bill as proof of citizenship. Any national id should be free for everyone.
Oh, there’s that word Racist. The most overused word today. Anything you don’t agree with is Racist. For those of you who have forgotten, the definition is ‘a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.’
What about the design flaws of the HD V-Twin engines? I’m referring to the cam chain system with plastic shoes that could cause catastrophic failure. This bike has that engine. Have you heard this before?