
She's so over him.

Hahahahaha oh god yes it does XD

Well excuuuuuuuuse me Wii Fit Trainer

Jesus Christ, Timothy. Do you realize how many training sessions of Luminosity I'll need to get those brain cells back?

When I'm feeling especially raunchy, I go for some alternative stuff.

yeah, but for me it's the section with all the power tools and weber grills

My first time submitting a gif. Weeeeee haw.

That does sound like a good deal.

Born to Be Wild!

New shake weight Wii U controller

Oh, you're absolutely right. Honestly, the moment someone is in a marginalized group, their existence will mostly or entirely revolve around that.

Awww, how did the guy who did the "3D Render" of the Wubgun in the hands of Patrick Motherfruiting Stewart not take this all the way to the bank?

Why is rugby football called football?

It's good to hear someone in your position saying that. I usually hear the opposite, with much more vitriol and arrogance. Not giving you a cookie or anything. Just saying it's nice to hear this once in a while.

I think this is sufficient evidence.