Scott the Stagehand

I learned about the Targa Florio from Sim racing and GPlaps

there is more to the story. They did try to rebrand, but gave up pretty quickly, then decided to sell. The Owners of the museum are now being sued again for defamation because Stapleton42 on youtube posted a video about the situation.

hoping for a longer sentence for this person. The Root did a similar article, I liked this one more, it has some more information.

To me tall cars like the PT Cruiser and late 80s Civic are SUVs. These vehicles are good for utility. The sport in Sport Utility Vehicle means nothing. What does the sport even mean. They originals like the Jeeps, Full Size Broncos and Blazer they never really felt sporty to me.

I have a ton of Harley Davidson Glasses and mugs. I have only ridden Kawasakis and BMWs

So roller coasters from the late 80s to the mid 2000s got into a war about height. The first hyper coaster was Magnum XL 200 at 200ft . Then it went to the first Giga Coaster Millenium force at 300 ft, and then the first Giga Top Fuel Dragster at 400ft.

I blame alvin and the chipmunks 1980s cartoon for the popularity of the Town and Country

I’m going to call this I should have stopped to help.

be glad you have AAA? until they let you sit on the side of the road in the freezing cold on hold for an hour. Then they come back and say sorry cant help you. You call the next day they still cant help you. so you have to tow your own vehicle with a U-haul truck and trailer. F that company

you’re blaming the crews? im going with the scrappers. I hate to sound horrible but when I lived in Metro Detroit the scrapping was pretty bad. To get to some copper a genius to a bolt cutter to live lines under the phoenix center in Pontiac. The City of Detroit switched from copper wires to aluminum wires in the

Beware those gales of November 

When I saw the hoop coop in the back, I got flashbacks to Morgan from Gold Shaw farm basically doing an infomercial for some E bike company.

Delorean. Bat shit crazy owner. Cool futuristic styling. Stainless steel body for time travel. Oh yeah and the cocaine.

Gives me Skully motorcycle helmet vibes. Netflix should do a show, worlds biggest scammers. Skully Motorcycle helmets, DC Solar, Bernie Madoff, this jackass director....etc etc

I was never a fan of Chris Harris. It stems from a when the film school dropout EiC of Jalopnik let him write a hate article about NAIAS. One less paycheck for that guy

or not hire someone who got fired from the NYT

Not printing out the receipt at the pump. I was in towards the end of an Iron Butt ride. Out of 10 stop 6 receipt machines worked. The last receipt was the sketchiest. 12:35am. Off of i-80 in Drums PA. I had to go into the station to get the receipt, there were sketchy ass people in and out of station. I thought I was

Im not sure if the Air Cooled BMW bubble has burst yet? A lot of older riders are now finally selling or unfortunately has their family sell it at an estate sale. Its a toss up between Aircooled, Flying Brick K bikes and early Oilheads with the lowest prices

Heck yeah. The Mocha Machine. Dave’s wife sold it to another guy. He already tried to sell it at Awk Fest last year. Because it had a chevy 350 he really didn’t feel like it fit his collection.

There is a now Defunct podcast called the Wheelnerds. Good stuff and both hosts at one point owned urals. I have wanted one ever since.