Scott the Stagehand

I was half expecting Galpin. 

so is the same drivetrain going into the new charger?

is Jimmy Hoffa potentially being buried underneath the Renaissance Center a Scandal

Can we get a Drive 4 Diversity for the Spotters of NASCAR? Between Chris Monez, Brett Griffin, and Eddie D’ Hondt, you get a lot of the Good Ol’ Boys mentality. 

to be fair many modern mustang owners only need 315hp to ruin their lives

what did pennsylvania police have to do with this?

any word on the mack truck strike? 

There is an automotive interior shop by me with a living area for 1.5 mil. I’ll miss the old owner and his Hudson Pickup.

You got to think outside the box on this one. Stay in the BMW family, Get a GS Motorcycle. Is it funky yes, at least funky looking. Manual Yes, Zippy....TBD. The reason why I say GS is because most of them are for taller riders. Yes there were low seats and low suspension options But an Air Head GS,  or a 1150-1200

i never got one but i always wanted the mini disc version of a changer

Why would the sheriffs dept hire someone like this? He was reckless at his last job. I wouldn’t hire him as a security guard.

Go Big or Go Home, I miss V16 engines. long dead but we could use them again. Mate it to a Hybrid so parts and repair bills really go through the roof.

I know it adds to complications, but range should be given with two temperatures 71 deg and 32 deg, F.

Cars are vehicles, not gun safes. 

I know I did that. It was fine for a quick fix but they all go bad eventually. 

285k 2005 prius. I wanted to learn about hybrids....while its a car that wont die, i learned that once the battery pack is dead, replace the whole damn thing or the car, not the individual cells.

I went electric years ago, I wanted a lawnmower that would be easy to use in case I was away on business and the wife needed to mow. If I go to a bigger house though I think a riding mower is going to be needed. I would love to go electric for that but I think im going to go after a gas one. The Price is Better

Not going to lie, im in need of a break from the virtual racing crack known as iracing. I have game pass so I give it a try.

I rode the tracer 900 last summer when the Yamaha truck stopped at my dealer . I think its too nice to take on a gravel trail. I would love it for sport touring.