No, it’s not. “Retarded” is commonly considered a pretty insulting term. It literally means “slowed” and is not an accurate reflection of the special needs that neuro-atypical and other children with disabilities have.
No, it’s not. “Retarded” is commonly considered a pretty insulting term. It literally means “slowed” and is not an accurate reflection of the special needs that neuro-atypical and other children with disabilities have.
I’m a teacher, and yeah, there are some out there who suck (there are millions of us), and I might or might not have an eternal grudge against high school teachers on the grounds of pretension (not as much as college professors, but still), and we might have a white-lady-culture problem, but you gotta love how far our…
He said they were borderline-retarded, not actually retarded! Quality argument saved!
That is, uh, not how websites make money
Is that you, Progressive Liberal?