too bad it wont work in houston since we have the sa boxes from the 90s.
too bad it wont work in houston since we have the sa boxes from the 90s.
@GadgetGuy247: front facing cameras are like 3d, its a fad that keeps popping up and then going away. hopefully 3d and front facing cameras go away for good.
@Yeah!: its not an iphone! you should have all the bars lit up.
ive had froyo on my droid for the past 1.5 months. i love how fast it runs with froyo overclocked to 1.2 ghz.
looks like it comes with the cord and ac adapter. it says "when plugged into an electrical outlet, please do not touch the plug. Electric shock and fire damage." how do you unplug it? esp maybe.
you can root and remove. for all those that say they dont want to root: why not? its nice to get rid of the crap and wi-fi tether can come in handy.
@usedtowork: droid x has already been rooted.
$15 for 1gb and $25 for 5gb would be perfect with the new streaming services coming soon. only a retarded company would do something like 200mb for $15 and $25 for 2gb.
@MrCheatachu: that article is outdated and came out before they had real smartphones. the 29.99 unlimited data plan does not have a cap. find one shred of "real" proof that their 29.99 unlimited plan is capped at 5gb. there is no mention of a 5gb cap in the terms for their android phones. multiple members on…
@Time Pilot AKA: you mean the asian hair salons that i go to? i saw three power strips hooked into one.
verizon already said the lte plans would not offer unlimited data.
@moothemagiccow: droid 2 is not a very good upgrade. it barely offers anything over the original droid. the droid pro is rumored to be coming on black friday. look it up, its going to be awesome if the rumors are true.
@MrCheatachu: do you have any documentation or proof to back up what your saying? verizon has not had a 5gb cap at all. i have gone over 5gb several times without anything happening.
those are ugly as hell. i guess if you live in a junkyard they would look ok.
@Nitemancometh: make sure you film it and upload to youtube. preferably 720 or 1080.
if my phone came with four bars i would be feeling really good right now. really really good if i mixed that with some alcohol.
i removed all the reading materials from my bathroom after i got my droid.
i bash att all the time, but i must say that was a cool commercial.
did anyone actually read every page?
@taoprophet420: calm down and remove your tin foil hat. google is not out to control you, thats the governments job.